Envío y aduanas incluido


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One Piece Dx Studio Tony Tony Chopper Resin Statue

  • Q4 2024 q1 2025


Purchase this product now and earn 0.9 - 3.35 Points!


  • Size: (Little Chopper two years later) (H) 10 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 9 cm


  • Size:  (Little Chopper Ghost Island Version) (H) 12 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 10 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Medium Size) (H) 44 cm x (D) 29.5 cm x (W) 43 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Big Size) (H) 59 cm x (D) 39.5 cm x (W) 57.9 cm”
  • Limited No Of Unit: 99 units for each version

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Little Chopper two years later, Little Chopper Ghost Island, Chopper Medium two years later Red, Chopper Medium Purple Ghost Island, Chopper Big two years later Red, Chopper Big Purple Ghost Island

SKU N/A Categories , ,

One Piece Dx Studio Tony Tony Chopper Resin Statue


  • Q4 2024 q1 2025

Purchase this product now and earn 0.9 - 3.35 Points!


  • Size: (Little Chopper two years later) (H) 10 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 9 cm


  • Size:  (Little Chopper Ghost Island Version) (H) 12 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 10 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Medium Size) (H) 44 cm x (D) 29.5 cm x (W) 43 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Big Size) (H) 59 cm x (D) 39.5 cm x (W) 57.9 cm”
  • Limited No Of Unit: 99 units for each version

Additional information


Little Chopper two years later, Little Chopper Ghost Island, Chopper Medium two years later Red, Chopper Medium Purple Ghost Island, Chopper Big two years later Red, Chopper Big Purple Ghost Island


  • Size: (Little Chopper two years later) (H) 10 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 9 cm


  • Size:  (Little Chopper Ghost Island Version) (H) 12 cm x (D) 7 cm x (W) 10 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Medium Size) (H) 44 cm x (D) 29.5 cm x (W) 43 cm


  • Size:  (Chopper Big Size) (H) 59 cm x (D) 39.5 cm x (W) 57.9 cm”
  • Limited No Of Unit: 99 units for each version

Additional information


Little Chopper two years later, Little Chopper Ghost Island, Chopper Medium two years later Red, Chopper Medium Purple Ghost Island, Chopper Big two years later Red, Chopper Big Purple Ghost Island

SKU N/A Categories , ,


Gastos de envio y aduanas están incluidos en el precio en la EU, US, AUS, CA.

En el resto de países el envio y/o la aduana no están incluidos en el precio y se aplicará

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