Envío y aduanas incluido


Gastos de envio y aduanas están incluidos en el precio en la EU, US, AUS, CA.

En el resto de países el envio y/o la aduana no están incluidos en el precio y se aplicará una tasa en función del país y la resina

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Jujutsu Kaisen Niren Studio Geto Suguru Resin Statue

  • Q4 2024


0 available

You must register to use the waitlist feature. Please login or create an account


  • Scale:1:6
  • Size:H60 L58 D52 CM
  • More details will be added
  • 1 The dragon scale will be revised
  • 2 Cloth texture will be revised
  • 3 Eyes of dragon will be reevised , Less obvious
  • 4 Tongue will be revised
  • Reinforcing steel bar will be add inner dragon body to make support
  • Light effect will be added in the base effect

Jujutsu Kaisen Niren Studio Geto Suguru Resin Statue


  • Q4 2024

0 available

You must register to use the waitlist feature. Please login or create an account


  • Scale:1:6
  • Size:H60 L58 D52 CM
  • More details will be added
  • 1 The dragon scale will be revised
  • 2 Cloth texture will be revised
  • 3 Eyes of dragon will be reevised , Less obvious
  • 4 Tongue will be revised
  • Reinforcing steel bar will be add inner dragon body to make support
  • Light effect will be added in the base effect


  • Scale:1:6
  • Size:H60 L58 D52 CM
  • More details will be added
  • 1 The dragon scale will be revised
  • 2 Cloth texture will be revised
  • 3 Eyes of dragon will be reevised , Less obvious
  • 4 Tongue will be revised
  • Reinforcing steel bar will be add inner dragon body to make support
  • Light effect will be added in the base effect


Gastos de envio y aduanas están incluidos en el precio en la EU, US, AUS, CA.

En el resto de países el envio y/o la aduana no están incluidos en el precio y se aplicará

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